10 May 2018 – From Bob Avery


Hello Reg, As promised, here’s the list of attendees and photos of the HMSOldies London Lunch 2018. Not too many people this year, as it clashed with an OMTS reunion on the same day and you can only have so much fun! Ken Dustan, previous organiser of Parly. Press annual dinners, arrived with albums of photos taken at these events in the 80’s, testing peoples memories to put names to faces. He also passed on a package of ‘unofficial’ newsletters of the events, which will probably arrive with you, via Trevor Priddle and John Rumball.

Hope you are keeping well, Regards, Bob

Hello Bob, Thank you – some excellent photos with some well-known faces looking on good form. Glad to hear it went well. As you say, we need to limit our fun these days for fear of getting over-excited! Best wishes, and keep it all going down there! Reg.