10 October 2024 – A Day at the Seaside



Hi Reg, Last Thursday – 3 October 2024 – unlike today, was gloriously sunny, and Rod Durkin, Barbara Cockram and I agreed to abandon our usual routine of walking with a local group and visited Great Yarmouth. We parked on the front in a council run car park by the Palm Court Hotel. In the early 1970s, Alan Want, then working as HMSO Printing Officer, organised with the Civil Service Motoring Association weekends at the hotel. I remember a number of events with Tony Smith, Geoff Lockwood, and other colleagues. The hotel still has its indoor heated swimming pool: a great hit with our families.

After a cup of coffee at the hotel, we stroll along the front to the Venetian Waterways. They were extensively restored about five years ago and extend along the promenade for about a quarter of a mile. The hedges offer shelter from any on shore wind and are full of small birds in early summer. There is a boating lake at the far end with a busy coffee, cake, etc. kiosk.

Returning to the hotel, we had fish and chips for lunch and decided to walk to the South Quay via Regent Street to visit the restored Steam Drifter Lyda Eva moored on the river. Unfortunately, she had been moved to a dry dock for repairs, so instead, we visited the nearby Elizabethan House with its links to Oliver Cromwell. It caters for school groups and is well equipped with mockups of Civil War helmets, muskets, gunpowder pots, pikes, etc. All the stuff we seventy plus year olds will try out. It’s worth a visit with grandchildren.

Back via the Rows and Regent Street. Rather seedy at the end of the summer season, but it still has a rock shop and other seaside trinket shops.

A great day.

Brian Cockram


Hello Brian, Thank you for this heartwarming account of an Autumn day out in the Norfolk sun. Good to read some uplifting news for a change.  Long may such events continue.

Best wishes, Reg