This private publication tells the story of graphic design in HMSO from the inception of the Typographic Design and Layout Section in 1946 under Harry Carter, through to 1995 and the studio prior to privatisation. It comprises contemporary articles and personal reminiscences by some of those involved, at all levels, including specially written pieces by John Pitson, Jeffrey Tabberner, John Westwood, Matthew Carter, Nodge Carnegie, John Saville and John Miles. Copies can be seen in the Norwich Millennium Library, John Jarrold Printing Museum, Norwich, the Victoria and Albert Museum’s National Art Library, London, and the St Bride Printing Library, off Fleet Street, London. Size A4, 218 pages with well over 150 illustrations.
19 April 2001: Front cover of ‘From Layout to Graphic Design: Fifty years of graphic design in Her Majesty’s Stationery Office’