1982-3: The Sovereign Club in its heyday


These photographs show the Sovereign Club in its heyday. It was frequently used for retirement presentations — for example, FJ (Tug) Wilson retired from his DDS1 post on 15 December 1982. The photo top-left shows him with his wife Edna following the presentation by Don Ray (then DS). Also in the picture is Denley Moss, who returned to his native Bristol following his own retirement. The photo below shows several HMSO worthies at the same event. Left to right, John Nash, Tom Robinson, Vi Wilson, Frank Payne, David Roberts, Charlie Lloyd (stubbing out a cigarette), Bernard Johnson (AM Sales). In the background, Sam Goldfarb, Sue Whitaker, Hilary Kett. Dan Farquhar retired as Manager, OMTS on 22 March 1983. The photo on the right shows, left to right, Martyn East, Gill Gent, Dan receiving his ‘retirement present’ from Hilary Kett, Terry Holcroft, Gill Willsher and the ever-present Dick Smith.

(Photos from Reg Walker)