Matching Stairwells

The stairwell is in fact new; or rather the façade is new to match the stairwell on the opposite side of the road. If you don’t believe me take a look at the photo of Atlantic House taken in 1984.

7 Aug 2002: New building replacing Atlantic House

Philip Marriage writes:  I was pondering whether this new building on the site of the old Atlantic House was an improvement on the old, or not, however, I thought, at least they’ve kept the old stairwell from Holborn Viaduct down to Farringdon Road below. But all is not as it seems, click here to discover why?

14 March 1984: Atlantic House on Holborn Viaduct

Philip Marriage writes: This photo was taken following a meeting I had with Brian Minett, HMSO’s then Parliamentary Liaison Officer, around the time HMSO finally vacated a building which had been it’s headquarters since 1951. This photo appeared in Hugh Barty-King’s official bicentenary history a couple of years later. (Photo from Philip Marriage

26 April 1978: John Westwood and his Graphic Design Team

Most of the Graphic Design team, 26 April 1978, just prior to the move to Norwich. At the back, from left to right, John Hughes, Ken Arnoldi, Steve Heardman, Peter Branfield, Philip Marriage, John Saville, and Mike Wood. Then in the middle, Iris Walker, Lynda Sullivan, John Westwood, Christabel Hardacre, Dee Smallridge, David Tudor, Nodge…

c August 1961: Alec Gravatt at the Club House, Civil Service Sports Ground, Chiswick

Dave Martin writes: This photo was taken about August 1961 at the Civil Service Sports Ground, Chiswick. It shows Alec Gravatt (right) making a presentation to John Smith, a Post Office employee who was a frequent guest player with HM Stationery Office Cricket Club. I think the person at left immediately behind John Smith is…

c July 1961: HM Stationery Office Cricket Club openers

Dave Martin writes:  This photo was taken in around July 1961 at the Civil Service Sports Ground, Eltham. It shows Eddie Truscott (left) and Alec Gravatt (right), the regular opening batsmen for what was HM Stationery Office Cricket Club. Eddie and wife Kath Truscott came to Norwich. Eddie became an EO in Supplies Division, Kath…