This first issue of Progress was A4 in size, but soon was to become A3.
Author: Robert Stutely
c August 1961: Alec Gravatt at the Club House, Civil Service Sports Ground, Chiswick
Dave Martin writes: This photo was taken about August 1961 at the Civil Service Sports Ground, Chiswick. It shows Alec Gravatt (right) making a presentation to John Smith, a Post Office employee who was a frequent guest player with HM Stationery Office Cricket Club. I think the person at left immediately behind John Smith is…
c July 1961: HM Stationery Office Cricket Club openers
Dave Martin writes: This photo was taken in around July 1961 at the Civil Service Sports Ground, Eltham. It shows Eddie Truscott (left) and Alec Gravatt (right), the regular opening batsmen for what was HM Stationery Office Cricket Club. Eddie and wife Kath Truscott came to Norwich. Eddie became an EO in Supplies Division, Kath…
c July 1961: John McGarry, Drury Lane Press
Dave Martin writes: This photo was taken around July 1961 and shows John McGarry, CO, in the Cashier’s Office, Drury Lane Press. John and his wife Isa came to Norwich where Isa worked as a Machine Operator in CCB (Central Computer Bureau, originally a part of HMSO). John died some years ago. Reg Walker adds:…