Hi Reg, If you would be so kind as to post the details of our Annual Lunch on the HMSOldies website I would be most obliged. With kind regards, Bob Allder 020 8597 5360 07593 811397
Author: SD1
Frederick George Lawn 1939-2018
Sad to see, in the Norwich Evening News dated 31 March 2018, that George has died. Funeral arrangements can be found here. George joined the Computer Services Division of HMSO Norwich as an Executive Officer in November 1967 and transferred to CCTA upon formation.
John Westwood ARCA 1919-2018
We were sad to hear from his sons, David & Paul, that John died on 28 January 2018, age 98. He joined HMSO on 1 January 1960 as Head of Graphic Design and retired 19 years later in 1978. He was a founder member of the Printing Historical Society then pursued another of his lifelong…