Harvey Wild




Less than a month after his 102nd birthday Harvey has died in a Care Home in Norwich, as notified in this online item.

Harvey joined HMSO Manchester in June 1939, and was soon recruited into the Armed Services along with his colleagues Les Birch and Tom Harris.  Harvey is on the right of the photo.

In 1967 Harvey moved to Norwich as Assistant Director of HMSO Computer Services Division. He subsequently transferred to CCTA.

The funeral will be private.


Helen George adds: So sorry to hear about Harvey Wild’s death. I have told you I am sure that when I joined CCA in 1973 on transfer from Ministry of Defence (Aviation Supply), the “old ways” still maintained in the Civil Service. I had to report to Alan Marrs who then took me to Roy Pysden, head of CCA. I was then taken down the line to Harvey Wild, my DD. I found out Harvey and I were both from the same area of North Manchester. Harvey then introduced me to Jim Curtis, my SEO. As the door closed Jim said to me “don’t mind him he’s from up north”. I think Jim nearly choked on his pipe when I said “So am I and not far from Mr Wild”. I always got on with Jim after that. You didn’t see much of your DD as an EO in those days but I remember Harvey was a dapper dresser (much like yourself) and a quiet, confident man. I hope I have as good an innings.

John Winup adds: I worked in Harvey’s chain of command until his retirement in 1982 and had enormous respect for him. He had a very sharp mind and an ability quickly to cut through waffle and get to the essential points of anything. I’m sure many of us still remember making contract award submissions to him and then being summoned. Neatly numbered in blue biro would be various queries and always he had identified something. Of course he had a lighter side and had a keen sense of humour. We kept in regular touch after his retirement, sharing an interest in cricket amongst other things. He could never accept players in pyjamas and shortened versions of the game!

George Rokahr adds: When I was promoted to EO, I was assigned to Accounts/AMA and Harvey was my boss. He was a super Boss. He explained things and let me tackle jobs like special adjustments that until I arrived, only he could do. He was easy to talk to and all three of the supervisors – Margaret Jones in the Punch room (known as Joanie), Doris Chaffin in the Machine room and Daisy Thurston in the Computer room revered him. All 3 of these ladies were quite formidable but Harvey managed them all. He could be stern but he was rarely this. He had the knack of getting on with everyone and in return, the staff, including me wanted to do the best for him. In short, he taught me how to manage. He was a real star and I’m sorry he has passed away.