Norma Peggy Groom



John Betts has passed on the sad news that Norma died, at home in South Africa in November 2024.

Norma was born on 8 March 1933 and joined HMSO in April 1958. She worked in Duplicating Division, which later became Reprographic Division with the move to Basildon.

She transferred to Norwich following dispersal and eventually worked as HEO in the Customer Sales section of Business Supplies.

Following retirement she moved to South Africa with her husband Chris.

569a_Norma and Zulu and PeterMac

Norma enjoying her retirement in South Africa, pictured here on the top with a Zulu and on the bottom with Peter Macdonald when he visited her a few years back.


John Betts adds: Gwen and I have just received the sad news from one of our family members that Norma’s son Ralph was killed in a car accident on the M25 on the 16th December. It has only just been reported in the EEN and EDP. I checked the details on line to make sure it was the Ralph we knew and clearly it is. The article says he was returning from South Africa with Norma’s ashes. Clearly the info. we received at Christmas about Norma was correct and Ralph’s demise explains why Gwen did not get a reply from him over Christmas when she left a message on his landline’s answer phone, mobile and email. His funeral will take place on January 21st, at 2:30 pm, at Horsham St Faiths.