I have been passed an intriguing piece of paper from the estate of the late Jim Curtis. It seems that on 1 May 1975 he attended a meeting of The Jolly Tilers convened at The Maids Head Hotel, Norwich. 17 were in attendance — some from CCTA. Names minuted were Cedric Dickens, Bill Houldsworth, Jim Curtis, Spud Taylor, Roy Pysden, Roger Daw, Ted Brown and Mrs Joan Stokes. At least four named are ex HMSO. A further meeting was planned in the Autumn, to be held at The George and Vulture Public House, London EC3.
Now, I may have said too much already, and the boys at Millbank may even now be greasing their truncheons, but further investigations strongly suggest that Cedric Dickens is the great great-grandson of Charles Dickens. In December 2004 he was reported in The Camden New Journal as being 88 years of age and living in Dorset ‘having retired from a life in computers.’ So was this a superior form of Customer/Supplier meeting between the sociable sides of CCTA and (possibly) ICL? Or was there more to it? Anyone with further information will receive the usual fee.