Walter Roberts



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John Straghan passed on the sad news that Walter has died, in Belfast, on 10 September 2024. Walter joined HMSO London on 3 January 1966, moving to Norwich upon dispersal, subsequently transferring to HMSO Belfast, where he worked in the Print section as P&TO/PB7.

John’s note reads as follows:

I wanted to let you know that Walter Roberts passed away early on Tuesday morning 10th September 2024. He has been in a residential home for about a year. I have been visiting him most weeks and was fortunate to have visited him just last Saturday.

I worked with Walter nearly all my working life in HMSO Belfast since he moved across from Norwich around 1978. At one time he was Chairman of IPCS Belfast subsection and I was subsection secretary. This was also at a time when Bob Barnard was Director of Belfast. We negotiated a substitution arrangement for Belfast IPCS members with the Director which ended well for all concerned.

I think he started in HMSO London and moved to Norwich with the advance party before moving to Belfast.

I have very fond memories of working with Walter and will miss our weekly meet ups.

The photo above (circa 1980) shows Willie Smith, John Straghan, Brian Watt, George Taggart, Ann Black, Phil Gormley and the boy himself Walter Roberts. I think Walter was actually onto his broker as he was heard shouting sell, sell, sell.

The funeral will take place at: Clarkes Funeral Home, Newtownards, Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 12:30pm.

Regards, John.


Thank you for letting me know the sad news about Walter. Good to know that you kept up contact to the end. We are all getting to that age, inevitably. So many old friends and colleagues passing on.