Good Evening Reg. There’s been a lot of HMSOldies news lately, a couple of sad obits and some interesting info about other ‘chums’.
I was sorry to learn the news about Barbara Robbins – a really pleasant colleague, efficient Personal Secretary, and if you were ‘up before the beak’ a welcoming smile and promise of a cuppa!. Similarly sad to hear about Brian Lee. I knew Brian well of course but never worked with him; I did know his wife Margaret though, in one of the old S4 Sections under Tom Bennett and then David Roberts; I believe Bob (Barnard) was also with us at the time.
I enjoyed browsing through the miscellany of happenings in 2013 and recalled with pleasure Les Birch’s tribute to Bobby Warren. It was good to learn that Norma Groom is OK and happy in South Africa. Again a lovely colleague and one always admired by CRS; indeed there were several attempts to poach her into our happy band but dispersal and our disbandment put an end to this.
Finally, the article by JWW about Atlantic House brought back some memories. For those of us with experience of grotty quarters – 22 Cavendish Square (where in winter one had to wear overcoats and scarves to keep warm), Bainbridge Street and even Cornwall House – Atlantic House was a palace in comparison. By chance a visit to London a few years back (yes we left the Island briefly to visit a London Bookfair) we passed by Holborn Viaduct and were impressed by the remodelled frontage. Also in the article, there was mention of two CRS stalwarts – dear old Stan Smith and Alec Gravatt – and their frequenting of the Craven Club. Happy days!
I trust you all are well and surviving the current Lockdown. Is there light starting to emerge at the end of the tunnel!
Kind regards, John
Hello John. Excellent to hear from you in The Island of Dreams on this cold but bright Norwich day! Your recollections add colour to those distant memories – especially those of people and premises now long gone. If there has been one positive side to this Lockdown it has been the ability to recall happier times, and help us reflect on the fact that we did not realise how good it all was. Anyway, you have cheered me up, and long may it continue.
Best wishes and glasses raised – as per this photo. Reg.