Dear Reg, I found this photo when tidying up Sinclair’s things. I think it was taken probably after the annual midsummer Halvergate marshes walk. Looking at Sinclair would guess taken probably in the late ’80s? Could that be the Berney Arms they’re at? On the back someone has written “Thought you might like a pix of you holding court” and initialed it JMR (or JRR?).
All the best, Ann-Marie
Hello Ann-Marie, Great photo. I have seen it before, although I was not fortunate enough to attend the Midsummer Walks (we admin oiks were quite rightly barred). I have copied to John Rumball, and to a couple of others who I can recognise – and one who may have been hiding in the bar. Thank you for thinking of us – and hope you are surviving all this weather. Best wishes. Reg.