Dear Reg, At last I am able to send you a few pics from the Normandy trip earlier this month. I was of course looked after very well as usual and the in-joke is that the visit next year hinges very much on the continuance of Hilary’s good health.
Most are self-explanatory but one is of one of the remaining caissons at Arromanches which 75 years ago formed the protecting breakwater for the Mulberry harbour. The photo of the 3 seated was taken at the memorial to 47 Royal Marine Commando who liberated Port en Bessin on 7 June 1944 – the chap next to me is Jean Garailde, possibly the best French golfer ever, now aged 85, and behind him is the owner of the Omaha Beach Golf Club complex. I was forced to drink a large glass of Calvados after the gala dinner and had the mussels and chips, followed by a trou normand (2 scoops of ice cream with a generous measure of Calvados poured over them) at Ouistreham before boarding the ferry home.
I have now just about recovered and settling down for the winter hibernation.
Best wishes to all as always,
Dear Les, At last, some good news amongst the gloom! Those photos of you with a large glass in your hand, and a heaving lunch table in front of you, show that all is right in at least one part of the world. Excellent to see that at least this one worthwhile tradition continues, and long may it do so.
All the very best, and enjoy the winter hibernation. Reg.