Hi Reg, came across this photo whilst searching for things of great import. That’s not to say this wasn’t as I am featured on the front row! I only know a couple of names, other than my own, and I’m not letting on. Those of us featured were the ‘younger intake’ rather than the old guard that are commonly on HMSOldies. Fancy publishing it as a new year quiz?
Happy new year Reg, hope to see you adorning the charity shops of Norwich in the future.
Cheers, a rather healthier, David Holt
Hello David, Great photo – thank you. I am missing a few names as well – no doubt they will come to me in due course. Good to hear that you are on the up – let’s hope that 2018 is kind to us all! Best wishes, Reg.
Tony Clarey adds: Third from left on the back row – Adrian Smith. We worked together in Supply and also played football together. One thing that caused us great amusement was that colleagues (and also occasionally friends) would confuse us; and after a while, rather than bother to correct, we would simply answer to the others name. I could never understand the confusion – it was obvious to me that I was far better looking.
Hello Tony – or is it Adrian? It’s been a while since you joined HMSO Supplies Division as a (relatively) young lad on 20 June 1983. Hope you celebrated your 36th anniversary appropriately this week, with bread pudding off the trolley and a few pints in the Golden Star. As to the question of your being better looking than Mr Smith, then I must ask to be excused from making a judgement. We could feature photographs of the pair of you and ask HMSOldies to judge, but there is currently a similar Beauty Contest going on for the relatively unimportant role of Prime Minister, and I don’t think we could bear a second such event at the moment. Best wishes. Reg.