December 1970: A gift-wrapped designer, Atlantic House

Christmas 1970 and Adrian Young, our antipodean designer, gift-wrapped and waiting for collection by the messenger, but desperately still trying to maintain a telephone call with N.Ireland. At the back, Nodge Carnegie, Max Carrena, then Len Lawrance, Maria Walenciak, ‘Bobbie’ Westaway, Dee Smallridge, David Challis, Sue Grindley, George Sewell, John Saville and Caroline White. (Photo…

17 September 1980 Government Printers at Hansard Press

The 1980 Government Printers Conference visit to Hansard Press on 17 September 1980. Ken Lowe (General Manager, Hansard Press) explains the operation of a Ferranti VDT with Terry Butler, HMSO, seated at the keyboard; (standing left to right): Bjorn Hagen, Norway; Thomas Wilhelmsen, Norway; Ken Lowe, HMSO; Vincent Toolan, California, USA; Carl La Barre, GPO,…