c March 1993  Brian Ekers with PP retirees, St Crispins, Norwich

Terry Burchell writes:  A group of retirement bods: Ivor Hosgood, Ken Pink, Brian Ekers, Charlie Newcombe and Peter Skiggs. Ivor Hosgood tells me that his official retirement date was, as he put it, ‘All Fools Day’ ie 1 April 1993. I guess this pic, therefore, was taken during March of that year. (Photo from Terry…

27 May 2005: The PP Farmhouse Friday Squad

John Rumball writes:  The Farmhouse Friday Squad meets on the last Friday in the month excluding Christmas, numbers usually six to twelve but with changing faces. The eight appearing above are usually quite regular. Topics discussed: How to run the country; photography; golf; and who has demised in the previous 3 weeks! In attendance: Messrs.…

May 1990: Supply Revue at the Bystanders Society, Norwich

In May 1990 Paul Simmonds produced the Supply Revue, which was held over two nights at The Bystanders Society in Norwich. Those pictured (top) are Sue Whitaker, Reg Walker, Jane Burgis, Madeleine Kent, Dick Moore and Janet Grimes. Featured elsewhere are Norma Groom and Rod Durkin. Photos of Rita Tuttle, Ian Smith, Karen and Kevin…