14 December 2021 – From Norma Groom

Hope you and all the family are well. We are both OK, other than that my arthritis is a pain in the b. But apart from that I must not grumble considering my age – 89 in March.

So pleased to hear that both Peter and Valerie are OK. Do you know if they’re on WhattsApp?

Things are not as bad in South Africa as the media paints it. Masks have been mandatory throughout and we are on level 1. Our scientists have said the new variant is causing people who have had Covid 19 before to become re-infected, but second infection is not as bad. Why on earth masks and social distancing have not been made mandatory everywhere in UK is beyond me.

Please pass on our kind regards for Christmas to all old colleagues and friends, we hope that everyone has escaped the virus, keep safe and warm.

Once again Reg enjoy Christmas and let’s hope that 2022 will be a better healthier one for everyone throughout the world.

Kind regards, Norma and Chris.


Hello Norma, Good to hear from you, and that you and Chris are doing well under the circumstances. Valerie Bailey was in good form when last I heard, as is Peter Macdonald, apart from the frailties that come so often with ageing. In fact, he has now given up communications via email. His son and daughter, both based around Norwich, are looking after his well-being. Neither Peter nor Valerie are known to use WhatsApp. All the very best to you and to Chris for a more straightforward 2022, Reg.