13 December 2018 – At The Fat Cat, Norwich

Fellow Songsters Below is a final record of a singing group that has existed, in one form or another, for around 50 years. In the form recorded below it has taken place in Norwich since Christmas 1974 (45 years), a proud record indeed! Brian Ekers  

11 December 2018 – HMSOldies at The Royal Oak, Borough, London

The annual December meeting of the HMSO Friends of Reprographic Managers met at the Royal Oak, Borough, on 11 December: photo taken by Bill Ekers. Sue Whitaker, Brian Ekers, Pat Kennedy and Reg Walker made it, as did 16 Customers and Suppliers. Despite photographic evidence to the contrary, Walker was neither drunk nor comatose. Not…

Arthur Edward James Brunwin 1920-2018

Arthur Brunwin

On 29 November 2018 John Eason received the sad news that Arthur has died. Arthur joined HMSO Contracts Division in 1953 as a ‘Reconstruction Examination Entrant Executive Officer.’ Other EOs in the Division at the time included Kath Daviss, Jim Curtis, Winifred Stokes and Margaret Crawley. He went on to become Deputy Director (Principal) of…

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