24 December 2020 – On the Feast of St Stephens

And all the other HMSO premises from the days when things were good and we didn’t necessarily appreciate them. It was cheering for the HMSOldies team to receive heart-warming messages from Betty Pooley, John Cripps, Norma Groom, Valerie Bailey, John Rumball, John Eason, Malcolm Horton, Gordon Parfitt, Christine Hawthorn, Jane Burgis, Adele Cook, Anne-Marie Simpson, Keith…

Geoffrey Edward Sentinella 1949-2019

We have just become aware from The Gazette that Geoff died on 28 January 2019. Geoff joined HMSO in 1972 and worked in Business Supplies Laboratory as Senior Examiner of Paper and Office Requisites.  

Categorised as Obituaries