Eileen Woodhouse acted as the mother hen to the happy brood that was S6B, buying dictation equipment. Besides myself and Eileen there was Don Mash and Maureen Wickham. She was the source of good humour and kept us going. She queried the description of herself as loquacious in her annual report but took it in…
Author: Robert Stutely
Duncan Charles McEwan
1936-2024 On 30 October 2024 we were informed by Fiona Parke, Duncan’s daughter, via John Rumball, that Duncan has died, in Norwich. He was born on 23 November 1936 and joined HMSO CEPA as Printing Officer on 13 November 1967. His later years were spent in Production, Publications and finally Payband 10 in Print. Following…
9 October 2024 – From ‘English Jack’ [Keating]
Reg, Thank you for your thoughts at this time. I have to admit that I am a little concerned about Hurricane Milton as it barrels its way towards Florida. My main thoughts are for the people on the west coast as they will bear the brunt of it. I live on the east coast in…
Eileen Margaret Woodhouse
1930–2024 The Eastern Daily Press published the sad news that Eileen has died, in Norwich, on 30 September 2024. She was born on 14 October 1930 and joined HMSO in August 1967. Promoted to AO in 1974, she worked in Supplies Machinery along with Denis Moloney, Don Mash and Liz Freeman. Eileen and her husband…
10 October 2024 – A Day at the Seaside
Hi Reg, Last Thursday – 3 October 2024 – unlike today, was gloriously sunny, and Rod Durkin, Barbara Cockram and I agreed to abandon our usual routine of walking with a local group and visited Great Yarmouth. We parked on the front in a council run car park by the Palm Court Hotel. In the…
21 September 2024 – From Roger Nash
Hi Reg, This is a special acknowledgement of Mike Taylor for his membership and commitment to the HMSO Golf Society over 60 years (1964–2024). The photo shows myself (captain) presenting a trophy marking the occasion. Roger Hello Roger, Good to hear from you, and thank you for the fine photograph. Excellent to see that…
Addition from Keith Mayhew to ‘Muttons & Nuts’
An addition has been made to the item: “20 August 2023 – From Philip Marriage & Fred Stubbs” which features the publication Muttons and Nuts. The addition is at the end of the item.
Walter Roberts
1938-2024 John Straghan passed on the sad news that Walter has died, in Belfast, on 10 September 2024. Walter joined HMSO London on 3 January 1966, moving to Norwich upon dispersal, subsequently transferring to HMSO Belfast, where he worked in the Print section as P&TO/PB7. John’s note reads as follows: I wanted to let you…
Marjory McAllister
1928-2024 Margaret McCullough Kerr has contacted us from Belfast to let us know that Marjory died on 26 August 2024. Marjory joined HMSO Belfast on 5 December 1977.
Robert Charles Barnard
1933-2024 The sad news that Bob died, following a hospital visit, on 26 August 2024 came from his widow Valerie via Lynda Marshall. Bob joined HMSO Duplicating Division in March 1951 as a Clerical Officer, as part of the Post-War examination entrants, in the days when the maximum on the pay scale for male COs…