Judy Block 1950-2018

Darts April 1969

We were sad to hear, from Judy’s son Daniel via Michael Aidan, that Judy died on 24 July 2018.  She had been suffering from Sepsis.  Funeral to be held on Friday 3 August at 1120: further details below. Judy joined HMSO Sovereign House as Clerical Officer in December 1968, as Judy Bucktrout.  Her lively personality…

Categorised as Obituaries

23 July 2018 – From Brian Minett: Williams Lea company pension scheme

Hi Reg, Judging by my telephone calls with WL’s HR Department they have been somewhat bombarded with calls from retired HMSO people being asked to opt in or out of a Zurich-run company pension scheme – particularly as you had to say yes or no by end of the month! When I mentioned that many…

17 July 2018 – The Hansard Story

In November 2008 Terry Robinson sent HMSOldies an article entitled ’92 years with HMSO Presses’ which told the story of the Robinson family’s involvement with HMSO.   In January 2017 we received a note from Diane Buck, from the Hansard Writing Team, expressing interest in the article – especially the item involving Walter ‘Robbie’ Robinson and…

21 June 2018 – HMSOldies lunchtime at ‘The Eagle’

Midsummer’s day and a dozen of HMSO’s finest turned in for a relaxed reminisce – in order of appearance, George Rokahr, Mike Woodhouse, John Eason (with his son James and partner Sandra), Eric Bone, Alan Cole, Phill Brooks, Alan Crabtree, Mike Taylor, Roger Nash, Pat Tate, Bob Barnard, and Valerie Barnard. All in good form,…

John Sydney Leppard 1923-2018

The Eastern Daily Press dated 24 May 2018 carried the sad news that John has died. John joined HMSO London in 1966 as EO in Finance, moving to Norwich upon dispersal, then to CCTA.  He was a frequent lunchtime companion of the late Stan Adams, and will be remembered fondly by other ex-colleagues. Andy White…

Categorised as Obituaries