19 May 2020 – The longest day walk by John Rumball

150x150-Longest Day

Reg, After seeing the couple of images from Sinclair’s file (see IC 12 April 2020) I found some colour negs of that occasion – no date as negs did not have inspector technology as digital does today. They may invoke more interest and stories. As I remember it was held on the longest day, meeting at Wickhampton church near Freethorpe walking to Berney Arms Pub being only accessible by walking, crossing ‘liggers’ over dykes and by boat. If I remember rightly it was brought about by the rep from Bemrose – a railway enthusiast – and Roy Plackett going to Berney Arms rail stop, no station only a platform.

Regards to you and the team, John

Lovely photos, and lovely memories, John. Copied to Roy Plackett, mainly to make him thirsty! All the best, Reg

Roy Plackett adds: Good to see these memories from John, combined with the story and picture sent to us earlier from Mike Robinson. John is right, the Rep from Bemrose, Ian Cox, was a real rail enthusiast so I suggested an adventure to Berney Inn, which was difficult to get too. When we arrived, trouble was, he wanted to take away the Berney sign from the rail platform to add to his collection. Luckily, we couldn’t wrench the sign off from the platform. I believe Peter Lince and Mike Robinson were on the first journey to Berney, which we called ‘The Longest Day of Year’. After that, more and more pals went every year. Sometimes now, when using the train via Berney platform, I often wonder if we’d pinched that sign might we’d have been up before the beak if seen!
